@ g Ivan Prisyazhnyy on software engineering

Long wait time on ssh login

Trying to figure out reason for long logins on our database production servers. We have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS installed and not so many iops during login sessions.


1. Disable reverse IP resolution on SSH server

It turns out there is a setting in OpenSSH that controls whether SSHd should not only resolve remote host names but also check whether the resolved host names map back to remote IPs. Apparently, that setting is enabled by default in OpenSSH. The directive UseDNS controls this particular behaviour of OpenSSH, and while it is commented in sshd_config (which is the default configuration file for the OpenSSH daemon in most enviornments), as per the man page for sshd_config, the default for UseDNS is set to enabled. Add the following line:

UseDNS no

2. DNS resolver fix for IPv4/IPv6 enabled stacks

It’s a known issue on the Red Hat knowledgebase article DOC-58626, but since it’s closed without login, I’ll share the solution below:

The resolver uses the same socket for the A and AAAA requests. 
Some hardware mistakenly only sends back one reply. When that happens 
the client sytem will sit and wait for the second reply. Turning this 
option on changes this behavior so that if two requests from the 
same port are not handled correctly it will close the socket and 
open a new one before sending the second request.

The solution is to add the following line to your /etc/resolv.conf. Just add it all the way at the bottom, as the last line.

options single-request-reopen

3. Disable GSSAPI authentication method

OpenSSH server enables by default the GSSAPI key exchange which allows you to leverage an existing key management infrastructure such as Kerberos or GSI, instead of having to distribute ssh host keys throughout your organisation. With GSSAPI key exchange servers do not need ssh host keys when being accessed by clients with valid credentials.

If you are not using GSSAPI as a authentication mecanism, it might be causing this connection delay.

The fix is simple – disable attempts to use GSS-API by adding the following to /etc/sshd_config (server side) or your ~/.ssh/ssh_config (client side).

GSSAPIAuthentication no

There is an easy way to check beforehand whether this solution will work. Try to ssh into your server by disabling GSSAPI authentication:

ssh -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no user@yourserver

4. pam_motd problem

Disable pam_motd in the following files:


One more:

apt-get purge landscape-client landscape-common

delete the contents of the /etc/update-motd.d directory.

chmod -x the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d that you don’t want to run.

Bug report on this issue:

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